Sneaky Sam. In the first picture, he is "sharing" with Spooky.
Sometimes Spooky's share is rather small. I gave Sneaky Sam that
name, because he is both comical and deceptive. When he comes to
share Spooky's kitty food, he tries to pretend he isn't taking any of it.
He looks straight at me, and reaches out to the side and sneaks a few crumbs
without ever taking his eyes off me. And his expression is "Who,
me?? I didn't take anything." I have a photo somewhere of him
doing this. Also, sometimes he sort of strokes Spooky with his hand.
As you can
see in the second photo, Sneaky Sam is rather friendly. I
In the third
photo, you can see just how sneaky Sam is. These photos
Wrong. Sam somehow noticed there was food by the wheelbarrow, and sneaked under to get it. I don't know how he has that figured out, but he seems to know the kitty food isn't really for him. One could soon spend burkew bucks buying kitty food for the coons. Fifty lb. of dog food per week is enough, already! So Sneaky Sam knows he/she is a sneak! But that kitty food is just too good. Shy Annie also occasionally snatches some of the kitty food, but she prefers the dog food, as do the rest. Sneaky Sam
comes to the tack room door looking for me if I'm not really
For Judy at
the Gable: As you can see, Spooky and the coons still
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