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While I make every attempt to respond to all e-mail as soon as possible, for emergency situations guests are urged to check the Wildlife Rehab Directory
list of rehabbers by state at to locate a rehabber nearest them. Even if they can't or you don't wish for them to take the raccoon, perhaps you can make a contact with someone who can be available to help you over the phone or by immediate email response.
You will find a nice group of people who rehab or feed
wild raccoons or who share their homes with raccoons on the newsgroup
news:alt.animals.raccoons as well as on the email group (with one "c")
They will be happy to answer any questions you may have and give you
other viewpoints or tips. Another good site to visit is
In addition, The Gable's Raccoon World offers quick
Emergency Rescue
Help as well as Rehab
Info & Tips,
Raccoon FAQs
and much, much more!
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All rights reserved.