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Site with Heart Award 1/24/98 The Meditative Cat Thank you CatAnna for this special award for"sites like yours and people like you, people who care about all the precious non-human beings who share this planet with us." Check out CatAnna's beautiful and caring site.
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Sparra's Ecology Award 1/13/98 Sparra's Nest Thank you Ray. Visit his wonderful and extensive pictorial site on the animals and ecology of Tasmania, Australia. |
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Animal Ally Award 1/12/98 Charmin's Pet Page I am honored to receive this award for"your website's
obvious concern for the welfare of our fur-friends: feline, canine... ALL!!" from the creator of a wonderful Eskie dog and animal rights site. Thank you Diane.
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Committee's Decision Award 12/15/97 One Spirit, One Heart-The Animal Connection This "award is for sites that bestow respect, honor, dignity and consideration towards animals. Sites that work diligently toward creating a harmonious atmosphere for animals and those sites that work diligently in exposing harsh, unjust or dangerous condition for animals." Thank you for this honor Mary Lynn, and for the wonderful work you are doing with animal/holistic healing.
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Keepers of the Heart Award 12/06/97 The Circle of Life I am deeply honored to receive this award "for people who will do whatever they must for those that cannot speak, and for those who have to rely on us for protection" from someone so caring and dedicated to saving this earth for all its inhabitants. Thank you Lorraine. |
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Animal Protection Award 11/18/97 Paws R Us I am truly humbled to receive this award for my "dedication to the protection and welfare of all animals" from the wonderful person who inspired my Ways You Can Help Pets and Wildlife page by her dedication to animals. Thank you Jan. |
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One Voice for the Animals Award 11/17/97 Pawprints and Paws I am very honored to receive this award "given in love and appreciation" for my animal rights work from someone so special and so devoted to all animals. Thank you Susie. |
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Val's Palace in the Sun Award 10/28/97 A Place in the Sun For making "a contribution to the Web by creating a place people can learn, a place that shows the positive power that human beings have in creating a better world. Yours is truly a palace in the Sun. The Gables touches a special place in my heart." I am truly touched by this award. It is from the creator of a wonderful site who gave me, a stranger, hope and inspiration when I first started my site. The love and devotion Val has for life, in all its forms, is reflected in the beauty, love and devotion put into his site. Thank you Val. |
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Someone Who Cares Award 10/26/97 Debbie's Homepages A Heartland Community Leader Don't miss her wonderful animal page - it will move you to tears! |
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Purrfect Cat Site Award 10/10/97 Safe Haven for Cats (Formerly Homeless Cat Network) A very caring site! Be part of the solution to the feral cat problems! |

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A Light in the Darkness Award 10/5/97 I am extremely honored and humbled at having received this award. I thank whoever nominated me and the seven member committee for their unanimous approval. I will strive to make this site worthy of this honor. I urge all animal lovers to visit their outstanding animal welfare and nature sites.
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Humanity to Animals - 9-10/?/97 BirdTalk Home Page I was surprised to find my site on the winners list of this extensive pet bird site |
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Joanie's No Cruelty to Animals Award 9/1/97 Joanie's Animal Pages Terrific resources and links on animals and cruelty prevention |
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Wolfsong's World of Animals Website Award 9/5/97 Wolfsong Beautiful and inspiring site for wolf, wildlife and nature lovers |
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Thanks from the Planet Award 8/8/97 Christy's Critter and Conservation Corner Great organized collection of animal and nature links and more |